Articles in this series
Định nghĩa Trong thư viện @tanstack/react-query, thuộc tính staleTime là một trong những tùy chọn quan trọng khi cấu hình các query. Nó quyết định...
Examples of i18n library/package For React: react-i18next - How to set up localization with react-i18next For Angular: transloco For Vue:...
Create env.d.ts file cd src touch env.d.ts /// <reference types="vite/client" /> interface ImportMetaEnv { readonly VITE_BUILD_TIME: string; //...
🗻 Prerequisites In this demo, we are using (on 2023-02-06): NextJS: 13.1.5 TypeScript template Bundler: Turbopack or webpack Let's create a...
🍇 Problem When I try to upload a directory by using the input element with NextJS, ReactJS and TypeScript. A TypeScript error occurs: Type '{ type:...
🚀 Create a project with CLI pnpm create next-app --use-pnpm --ts --eslint --src-dir # or npm create next-app --ts --eslint --src-dir Choose...