Debian-based Linux - Try apt alternative - Nala - a packages manager


1 min read


Nala is a neatly structured frontend for APT Package Manager.

Basically, it is used to install and manage packages on Debian-based Linux systems. It is an alternative for apt.

Installation and try it

# install
sudo apt install nala
# find fastest mirrors
sudo nala fetch

The result is more understandable UX:

sudo nala update

We are going to install exa - A modern replacement for ls, written in Rust language:

sudo nala install exa

We check out the new package version to make sure it's installed:

exa -v

The clean-up combo became this:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y && sudo apt autoremove
# became:
sudo nala update && sudo nala upgrade -y && sudo nala autoremove
