vscode - version 1.70 - What is 3-way merge editor look like and how to disable it? πŸ˜‚


1 min read

What is 3-way merge editor look like?

When you meet a conflict, click on Source control button on side menu and merge changes file, you should see 3-way merge editor.

Screenshot from 2022-08-17 18-50-19.png

Screenshot from 2022-08-17 18-52-20.png

As you can see, there are 3 parts on screen:

  • Your commit: left side
  • Theirs commit: right side
  • Conflict fixing result: bottom

You can only edit on result part!

Screenshot from 2022-08-17 19-04-40.png

Screenshot from 2022-08-17 19-05-02.png

After ctrl + s to save result:

# to verify
g diff

g add .

# or merge
g rebase --continue

You done it!

How to disable it?

  • use ctrl + shift + p
  • type "json"
  • chose "preferences: Open user settings (JSON)"
  • add the setting below:
    "git.mergeEditor": false

Now, you can use old way merge editor:

Screenshot from 2022-08-17 19-16-35.png
